Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Integrated campaign: Standard Bank cricket

My art director, Miss Natalie le Roux, and I got our first big brief - the Standard Bank cricket sponsorship brand campaign. The pressure was on... and all I knew of cricket was from the sole match I had ever watched: I can't tell you who was playing or who won but I can tell you that those white pants the cricket players wear are see-through.

With Standard Bank, we have to use rhythm in both the audio, pace and copy as well as use "icons" visually. An interesting challenge that led to the concept "Forever Proteas" and our first ever TV commercial.

Masters and Savant were the animators on this project and they worked day, night and weekend to meet the crazy deadline of two weeks (it normally takes eight). They were full of awesomeness (and I'm not just saying that because they fed us Lindor Lindt balls). Enjoy!

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