Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The TBWA No Coffee Project (run internationally)

My team and several others from the other branches of TBWA across the world were briefed to come up with ideas to raise funds for a TBWA CSI initiative called Room 13 and their scholarship fund. Our idea and one other team's were chosen as the winners to be activated (yippee). We said that in order to raise funds for those who live on so little, we'll sacrifice something the ad industry can't live without - coffee. So, for one day, every employee in every TBWA branch across the world will give up their coffee and the money that would have been spent goes straight into the fund. Boo ya. Saving the world, one cup at a time.

Check out the Facebook Fanpage or I sometimes do this to see the response: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=tbwa+no+coffee Cheeky site, no? I like it.

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