Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Activation: Samsung Beatbox Pitch (2009)

My lovely art director and I worked on a pitch for Samsung's new music phone - the Beatbox. We wanted to position the brand as the supporter of youth culture and youth music, helping young artists get exposure and the youth to listen to music.

There was a huge roll out but in short, the main element was a music festival showcasing local talent at varsities with the stage being a replica of the phone, showcasing the USP of the B&O speakers. As the band changed songs, the screen behind the band would switch to the next song on the phone's playlist. The audience could send requests and shoutouts via sms which would be shown on the screen as though the phone had just received an sms. It was all designed to show off the phone and link it to music.

Client absolutely loved it but the thinking was "too big" for this activation. They ended up having a shmodel listening to the phone on a couch in the middle of a mall... O_o

Darned budgets.

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