Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Client loves. The budget doesn't.

Having left Hunts, I'm not sure if they're producing this but they were in the middle of the good fight. Here's the presentation:

The cinema is a notorious place for couples and their public displays of
affection. This Valentine’s day we want to exploit this quirky fact of life to
raise awareness for City Lodge.

Imagine the scene: you’re sitting with your popcorn waiting for the movie
to start. A couple walk in giggling loudly, the girl draping her arms around
her boyfriend. They have seats right in the middle – right next to you.
They have to shuffle by people, disturbing everyone. They stand in front
of the screen and block the view. They finally sit down... And start
kissing. You feel rather awkward. Their kissing becomes rowdy as they
loudly grope and claw at each other. By now, you’re not the only one
feeling awkward. The whole cinema is.

And this is when the following ad pops on screen...

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